Life Lately – I’m back!

Wow, it sure has been a while! I know after P’s birthday I promised to be back at the blog with a vengeance but alas, life (and TONS of projects!) got in the way. Since October we have been enjoying an extremely mobile (but still squishy) baby who is just as sun-shiny as he’s always been only much more talkative and that much more fun as a result. Somewhere in there we also celebrated Halloween (DIY projects to come!), Thanksgiving, the 239th Marine Corps Birthday Ball and then kicked off the holiday season by participating in our officer community’s holiday Tour of Homes, so needless to say, we have been CRAZY busy! Now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is calming down (I think? lol) I plan to get back to polluting the blogosphere with lots of posts highlighting what I’ve been up to craft-wise and prove that while life has been pretty crazy, some of that craziness was due to projects that had me so caught up that I didn’t have a free minute to sit down and share them with you guys. That being said I’m super excited to share all of my DIY and entertaining adventures from the past few months with you so get prepared to be seeing a lot me on here! 🙂


Pumpkin picking!


My little scuba diver fending off a shark on Halloween!


USMC Ball #1


.. & #2!


Holiday greetings, everyone!


Our quiet Christmas morning ❤